Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fus that you can purchase

I have 3 feng sgui shops (Qi Yuan Consultancy Pte Ltd) offering geomancy and life analysis services. They are at
1. Fu Lu Shou,02-05,
2. Blk 685, Hougang St 61, #01-162, and
3. Puggol Plaza, 02-10.
These are 3 FUs that I use. The first represents wealth , you put in your wallet to bring wealth. The 2nd is for career advancement and for children to study well. And the 3rd is for protection purpose. There are testimonies of people using the 2nd one to attend exams, and score very well. The 3rd you can use to protect your self if you are driving or attending negative events. They are $10 each, you can call me at 94897820 to purchase.

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