Thursday, December 11, 2008

birthdays celebration!!

It's end of the year and birthday months are coming!

Oct - Arthur's father's birthday. we had a small celebration at home - a simple birthday song and cake. Nov - my mom's birthday and Arthur's birthday and Dec - Rachel and my bithday!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

More pictures

I have more favourite pictures of Caleb.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Caleb is 9 months old!

Just some pictures of Caleb, and how fast he has grown!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Slim down in 30 days

I work as a consultant in a Wellness Sanctuary. Everyday I see customers with weight issues hoping to shed some weight. Some for vainity, some for health and some wish to get back pre-pregnancy figures. Success cases are almost 100% unless they drop out and give up on themselves.

The programme is so easy to follow, no injections, no drugs and no side effects, and best of all, no starving while cutting the fats. Whenever I explain their test report (each customer will be requested to do a 2 mins In-body analysis), they will always understand what are kcals, and how their metabolism impact their diet results, and what they have been eating wrongly in the past few years!

Yesterday, a husband signed up the progamme as a gift to his wife, they are having their photo shoot next Jan , just nice, have a fabulous figure to fit the gown. And a customer who works in coffee shop has recommened a few friends for slimming. Someone who has diabetics, fibroids, and leakage of proteins in the body, also join the programme to cut 10kg. For some organisations where BMI is crucial, we can help!

What does the programme do?

a. Detox for 2 weeks, using superbrand detox product and low kcal supplement
b. diet guidelines for the 3 months
c. Fortnight reviews and encouragement, see progressive drops in fats
d. Accupuncture to curb appetitite and balance yin and yang in internal bodies
e. Bust Firming sessions to prevent sagging and shrinking of cup size

For more information, pls call me to book a free consultation at 94897820.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Would you like to slim down?

I chanced upon this product, you can try it:

Click Here!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bumwear Diapers!!!

Hi, I am wearing Bumwear cloth diapers!!! Nice right? Lesser of disposables, I will be wearing when the cloth ones do not dry in time. And maybe wearing Fitti, cheaper, ha ha !!

Fus that you can purchase

I have 3 feng sgui shops (Qi Yuan Consultancy Pte Ltd) offering geomancy and life analysis services. They are at
1. Fu Lu Shou,02-05,
2. Blk 685, Hougang St 61, #01-162, and
3. Puggol Plaza, 02-10.
These are 3 FUs that I use. The first represents wealth , you put in your wallet to bring wealth. The 2nd is for career advancement and for children to study well. And the 3rd is for protection purpose. There are testimonies of people using the 2nd one to attend exams, and score very well. The 3rd you can use to protect your self if you are driving or attending negative events. They are $10 each, you can call me at 94897820 to purchase.

Friday, July 18, 2008

My recent photos

and that is Gu ma, who visit me almost everyday, and her favourite thing is to give me a shower of kisses!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Building Immunity in your child

I add this to my baby's milk every day to increase his immune system. Besides being first 6 hours of Cow's milk, this also has many benefits.

1. Burn excess fats by increasing your metabolism rate.

2. Improve bone mass and prevent autoimmune diseases.

3. Looks younger by restoring skin elasticity.

4. Balance blood sugar, suitable for diabetics patients.

5. Enhance wound recovery, and lighten scar formation.

To order, at $86 for 120 capsules, call 94897820.

Need to detox?

Like to detox? Try this Beauty and Health Capsule, $65 in 60 capsules.

1. Remove 80% of your body toxins in 3 months
2. Contains ginseng to nourish kidneys, lungs and blood

3. Solves constipation issues and irregular bowel movements

4. Improves complexion and clears up pimples

5. Lose weight due to drop in toxins

6. Safe and No side effects

To purchase, call 94897820.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Milk powder

I have been on Enfalac A+ since birth, and mummy had stocked up supplies for close to 8 months, recently she requested a sample of Dumex Mamilgold, to prepare for my 1 year old feed. But Gu Ma (Dad's sister who dotes on me a lot and visit me every evening) said no no no change formula milk since Enfalac, and said that cost should not be a factor...looks like mummy must try to find cheaper Enfalac the search will still be on, there are others like Friso, Gain, wow, so many choices !!!

Choice of diapers

I have been wearing Mamy Poko since birth and have liked it because it's super aborbent, but its expensive. Mummy tried the old version of Dryers ( a hand-me-down) but it leaked. Went to NTUC and mummy ask another mummy who used Huggies on her 10 month daughter, she said it leaked. Mummy requested a sample from Huggies to try out, hopefully can change mummy's mind. (but sample not yet arrived). Mummy has gotten feedback from other mummies that Pet Pet and Drypers are fine and do not leak. The search for my perfect diapers is still on...

My favourite pastime - on the jumper

Daddy is very happy with the jumper - he says I made full use of it, and his money is worth buying this:

Sleeping patterns

See my various sleeping poses

Apple Puree

Today is Sunday 5 Jul mummy made her first hands-on experience of apple puree, and I finish all of it, so happy!

4 Jul : Mummy and Grandma went to Suntec City for facial and manicure. And I had a taste of riding on animals and visited Toys R Us.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My photos, am I adorable , big eyes!

I am Caleb and I learn fast how to be funny

Slimming anyone?

My mummy works at a slimming centre so if you have friends who want to slim down, call my mummy to recommend this slimming centre, cheap and effective! 2 of her friends are winners in the poster! Call her at 9489 7820.